GREAT DEAL!!! BRAND NEW! I will be wearing the dress that my dad bought for me on my wedding day. This dress has NOT been worn before and is in immaculate condition!
When you see this gown, you see a lot of effortless softness: in the skirt, in the corset. Gisele really holds you in, but to keep with the skirt I wanted softness and lightness for the bodice.
You can see this principle again in the skirt, where it’s really taken to the level of a work of art. The skirt is Chantilly beneath, then layered with a large-weave esprit lace, and then each lace edge is framed in horsehair to give it that wonderful, well-defined lift. There’s so much volume in this skirt it’s almost a symphony of different musical instruments. It’s done with very little actual difference in color…there are patterns in the lace, but most of what you see is the natural light and shadow playing and peeking around as the skirt moves, with that magnificent, dramatic flounce. The use of esprit lace is very modern in this context, and especially as it’s done here, forming these drapes that suggest veils and cages, in an extremely artful arrangement, almost an architecture that nevertheless remains light as a feather.